Referrals protect and advocate for the rights of Snuneymuxw First Nation (SFN), by reviewing applications for Provincial tenures, permits, and other commercial activity taking place on traditional Snuneymuxw lands.
Resource developments like logging, hydro-electric projects, commercial tourism, and mining continue in the territories of the member First Nations. Most of these activities require the permission of the provincial government to take place.
Before giving its permission for a proposed activity, the government must consult with the member First Nations. It “refers” proposals to the First Nations to consider and requests a formal response.
The Referrals Office is to protect and advocate for the recognition of the Aboriginal rights of the Snuneymuxw First Nation by:
The directive of the Referrals Office is to protect the hunting and fishing rights through the Douglas Treaty Implementation set up with the BC Government.
For protocol and information, please contact SFN Lands Clerk at
When submitting a referral application package, the following documents are required for the file to be reviewed:
“Free, Prior and Informed Consent,” forms the basis of Snuneymuxw’s consultation arrangements with
governments, resource users, private organizations, and the general public. It is an obligation upheld by international law and codified by the Provincial government’s passing of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (DRIPA) in November of 2019.
We do not receive funding to do this work, therefore, SFN expects these costs to be borne by the applicants(s).
Please complete the following form.
Please complete the form below and follow payment instructions. An SFN invoice can be available upon request.
Payment Instructions
Referral Fees must be paid by cheque.
Snuneymuxw First Nation
Attn: Referral Admin Fees – (Project Name)
668 Centre Street, Nanaimo BC, V9R 4Z4.
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