Snuneymuxw First Nation
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Snuneymuxw Hulit Lelum – Health Centre

Health Center Front Desk:  250-740-2337
Health Center Doctor’s Appointment Line:  250-740-2345
Health Center Confidential FAX:  250-740-2360

The Snuneymuxw Health Department supports adults, elders, children, and families who live on and off reserve.

Established in 1995, Snuneymuxw Hulit Lelum is an accredited Medical and Wellness Centre that helps restore wellness, culture, and connection within the Snuneymuxw community. Health currently provides preventative, reactive and medical advocacy services for SFN members.

Our supports include:

  • Children and youth health services
  • Mental Health
  • Addictions support
  • Primary Health Care
  • Dental
  • Chronic Illness Prevention
  • Communicable Disease Control
  • Environmental Health/Management


Snuneymuxw Hulit Lelum
1451 MacMillan Road, Nanaimo, BC

Health Center Front Desk:  250-740-2337
Health Center Doctor’s Appointment Line:  250-740-2345
Health Center Confidential FAX:  250-740-2360

Snuneymuxw also leads the Snuneymuxw Traditional Wellness Clinic. Learn more here.

Mental health and wellness counselors support family relationships, substance abuse challenges and other needs.

Looking to connect with an SFN counselor?

Here are the steps:

  1. Call SFN Hulit Lelum and ask to speak with a counselor at 250-740-2337.
  2. We connect you with a counselor (referral process).
  3. We call you when process is complete.
  4. We book your first appointment and look forward to welcoming you.

We help parents and guardians with the health of their children.

Please call 250-740-2337 for more information.

Youth Centre and Programming

Opportunities for young people to engage with peers and learn about healthy and creative ways to live their best lives.

The Snuneymuxw Youth Centre is designed to help SFN community youth get together for fun and new experiences.

Outdoor activities include:
Soccer, Lacrosse, B-Ball, Jail Tag and more!

Indoor activities include:
Arts & Crafts, Computer time, Ping-Pong, Movies and Board Games, Weekly Boxing & Hip-Hop Dancing and more!

We also lead trips and activities for the youth throughout the year.

Falicia Dennis, SFN Youth Program Lead

Elder's Care

The goal of the Elders Care program is to provide optimum care and resources for Snuneymuxw Elders.

Whenever possible, we walk with the Elders in our families. In addition to the pleasure of the company of our Elders, it is a chance to contribute to the increased quality of their precious lives.

The Elders Care program focuses on providing resources and aid to:

  • help our Elders interact with each other and in the community
  • assess care required
  • help them find needed services and
  • provide teaching sessions to aid in their journey.

Kate Good, Crisis Support & Wellness and Elders Coordinator

Children and Youth

The goal of the Children and Youth programs and services are to create optimum health for all Snuneymuxw children and youth.

The program objectives are:

  • Help parents with information on improved health and development of children.
  • Make sure children are immunized;
  • Improve diet, prenatal health and breastfeeding;
  • Improve diet of infants in their first 12 months;
  • Provide young people with opportunities for peer interaction while learning about healthy lifestyles.

Falicia Dennis, Youth Program Lead

Non-Insured Health Benefits

This department is intended to ensure full access for Snuneymuxw people to the provincial healthcare system.

This is achieved through the registration of community members for physician, hospital and other medical services through the provincial Care Card program.

Additionally, non-insured health benefits are available to all First Nations people regardless if they live on or off-reserve for:

  • prescription drugs
  • dental care
  • optical services 
  • medical equipment and supplies

These benefits can be received either directly from service providers or (in the case of medical equipment and supplies) through Inter Tribal Health Authority.

Snuneymuxw manages its own medical transportation program through the work of our Non-insured health benefits Clerk. In addition to assisting our people register under the Care Card program, they help with travel to scheduled medical appointments either directly using the Health Centre vehicle or by arranging travel subsidies for distant appointments.

Regan Seward, Non-Insured Benefits Coordinator